Dissecting, Dressing, Artery, Towel and Sponge Holding Forceps. We have a wide range of best quality surgical steel and hospital quality forceps
Halstead Mosquito Forcep
Halstead Mosquito Artery Forcep with box joint, 125mm, straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)
Spencer Wells Forcep 125mm
Spencer Wells Artery Forcep with box joint, 125mm straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)
Spencer Wells Forcep 150mm
Spencer Wells Artery Forcep with box joint, 150mm straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)
Halstead Mosquito Forcep
Halstead Mosquito Forcep with box joint, 125mm curved (stainless steel - hospital quality)
Blade Removing Forcep
Blade removing forcep, 150mm designed to elevate blade from handle, best quality stainless steel