
Dissecting, Dressing, Artery, Towel and Sponge Holding Forceps.  We have a wide range of best quality surgical steel and hospital quality forceps

  (image for) Halstead Mosquito Forcep

Halstead Mosquito Forcep

Halstead Mosquito Artery Forcep with box joint, 125mm, straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)


  (image for) Spencer Wells Forcep 125mm

Spencer Wells Forcep 125mm

Spencer Wells Artery Forcep with box joint, 125mm straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)


  (image for) Spencer Wells Forcep 150mm

Spencer Wells Forcep 150mm

Spencer Wells Artery Forcep with box joint, 150mm straight (stainless steel - hospital quality)


  (image for) Halstead Mosquito Forcep

Halstead Mosquito Forcep

Halstead Mosquito Forcep with box joint, 125mm curved (stainless steel - hospital quality)


  (image for) Dressing Forcep 120mm

Dressing Forcep 120mm

Adson's Dressing Forcep, 120mm, best quality stainless steel


  (image for) Blade Removing Forcep

Blade Removing Forcep

Blade removing forcep, 150mm designed to elevate blade from handle, best quality stainless steel


  (image for) Dissecting Forceps

Dissecting Forceps

Adsons Forcep 4.75" (120mm) 1-2 teeth FDA


  (image for) McIndoe's Forcep 150mm

McIndoe's Forcep 150mm

McIndoe's Forcep 6" (150mm) 1-2 teeth FDM
